- semasiology
- noun ling.семасиология* * *(n) семасиология* * *семасиология* * *n. семасиология* * *семасиология
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
Semasiology — (from el. σημαίνω (sēmaino) indicate, signify) is a discipline within linguistics concerned with the question what does the word X mean? . It studies the meaning of words regardless of their phonetic expression. [ [http://feb… … Wikipedia
Semasiology — Se*ma si*ol o*gy, n. [Gr. shmasi a signification + logy.] (Philol.) The science of meanings or sense development (of words); the explanation of the development and changes of the meanings of words; more commonly referred to as {semantics}. {Se*ma … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
semasiology — index meaning Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
semasiology — [si mā΄sē äl′ə jē] n. [< Gr sēmasia, signification of a word (< sēmainein: see SEMANTIC) + LOGY] SEMANTICS (senses 1, 2, & 3) semasiological [si mā΄sēə läj′i kəl] adj. semasiologist n … English World dictionary
semasiology — Semantics Sem*an tics, n. sing. or pl. [Gr. shmantikos having meaning, from sh^ma a sign.] 1. the study of the meanings of words and of the sense development of words; formerly called {semasiology}. [PJC] 2. a doctrine and philosophical approach… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
semasiology — noun A discipline within linguistics concerned with the question what does the word X mean? . It studies the meaning of words regardless of their phonetic expression. The early theories of semasiology attempted to account for meaning shifts in… … Wiktionary
semasiology — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Greek sēmasia meaning, from sēmainein to mean Date: 1847 semantics 1 • semasiological adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
semasiology — См. semasiologìa … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
semasiology — semasiological /si may see euh loj i keuhl, zee /, adj. semasiologically, adv. semasiologist, n. /si may see ol euh jee, zee /, n. semantics, esp. the study of semantic change. [1875 80; < Gk semasí(a) signal, mark, meaning + O + LOGY] * * * … Universalium
semasiology — study of meaning; semantics Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
semasiology — n. semantics … English contemporary dictionary